The overfishing of walleye from Lake Erie has potential consequences including fines, ODNR warns. How many walleye are ...
Double dipping is when someone is rehired for a government job after retiring from the same position in order to start collecting a pension. Or, as Seinfeld fans know, it’s when someone goes for a ...
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife’s law enforcement officers assigned to Lake Erie recently ...
Both perch and walleye appear to be doing well in Mille Lacs, but the DNR has its reasons for new regulations announced this ...
FREMONT – The Sandusky County Parks have a hidden gem for walleye fishing on the Sandusky River as it passes through Fremont, ...
Ohio Wildlife investigators Kelsey Brockman, Brian Bury, Jason Hadsell, and Kevin Good discovered anglers at Huron Fishing Access Boat Launch in Erie County were double tripping, ...
Some of the best strikes you’ll ever get is when using heavy jigs with soft plastics. There is no nibbling. When they want it ...
The Midwest Walleye Challenge will give anglers a chance to compete for prizes while collecting important data.
Another plus for those heading to the Red Wing Lock and Dam is that for the past 40 years or so, the Red Wing Nuclear Power ...
Capt. A.J. Cwiok and John Carlson share Fish of the Week honors with big walleye caught and released from different rivers.
As befits this time of year, a wide variety of weather (80 degrees to snow) and a wide variety of fish (lakefront coho, river ...