Scientists studying these creatures have often asked how they managed to get from their native lands in the Americas, to the ...
The iguanas' 8,000-kilometer trip — one-fifth of the Earth’s circumference — is the longest made by a flightless land vertebrate.
Iguanas may have pulled off a 5000 mile voyage on a raft of floating vegetation to get to Fiji. Researchers have long ...
Iguanas rafted more than 8,000 km from North America to Fiji New genetics support the theory that iguanas voyaged to Fiji on ...
By floating on a raft of downed trees and broken branches, according to a study published Monday in the journal PNAS. The ...
The trek—from the North American desert to Fiji—now represents the longest known migration of any terrestrial animal.
A genetic analysis reveals that Fiji’s iguanas are most closely related to lizards living in North America’s deserts. How is ...
Most modern-day iguanas live in the Americas – thousands of miles and one giant ocean away from the collection of remote ...