Hector Martin has resigned from Asahi Linux “effective immediately,” citing burnout and Linux community challenges.
Torvalds—who has some history with out-of-scope responses, and worked to address them —suggests that if there are issues in ...
Nobody wants memory bugs. Penguinistas continue debate on how to squish 'em Updated Some Linux kernel maintainers remain ...
The Asahi Linux founder Hector Martin resigns from the Project lead position due to Kernel conflicts, upstreaming and ...
Yesterday morning, Hector Martin resigned from his position as project lead of Asahi Linux. This was a community effort that kicked off shortly after the Mac transition to Apple Silicon begun ...
OSTechNix (Open Source, Technology, Nix*) regularly publishes the latest news, how-to articles, tutorials and tips & tricks about free and opensource software and technology.
The latest Pixel 4a update was investigated by Hector Martin, a security hacker and lead developer on the Asahi Linux project, an open-source initiative focused on porting the Linux operating ...
Asahi Linux lead developer Hector Martin resigns Intense community requests and complaints are responsible Martin misses a time where he could relax and not worry about the project Hector Martin ...