Details: Several Russian Telegram channels reported that drones attacked an oil refinery in the city of Yartsevo in Smolensk Oblast on the night of 20-21 January. Smolensk Oblast Governor Vasily ...
Russian authorities confirmed a drone attack against Smolensk Oblast but made no mention of the plant. According to Russia's Defense Ministry, Russian air defenses intercepted 55 drones overnight ...
The Russian Defence Ministry has claimed that their air defence systems destroyed 48 drones over seven Russian oblasts and ...
Partisans conducted reconnaissance of a russian oil depot in the Smolensk Oblast. This is stated in the message of the ATESH partisan movement. As reported, the movement's agent conducted a successful ...
For years, it was assumed that the fences around the holy tziyunim of the Tzemach Tzedek and Rebbe Maharash in the town of ...
The russian defense ministry stated that its air defense allegedly destroyed 48 drones over 7 regions of the russian ...
Details: According to the Russian ministry, 37 drones were downed over Bryansk Oblast, 12 drones each over Kursk and Lipetsk oblasts, 9 drones over Tver Oblast, 3 drones each over Belgorod, Kaluga, ...
In the Smolensk region, Governor Vasily Anokhin described ... Bryansk, which lies west of the heavily militarised Kursk Oblast and north of Ukraine's Chernihiv and Sumy oblasts, saw heightened ...
Details: Several Russian Telegram channels reported that drones attacked an oil refinery in the city of Yartsevo in Smolensk Oblast on the night of 20-21 January. Smolensk Oblast Governor Vasily ...