The 4-bale Module Averaging Pilot Program is meant to help with the efficiency of cotton production. Deputy Administrator of the Cotton and ...
A recent grant award from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will help to support climate-smart cotton research. USDA/NIFA has awarded ...
Demand for organic products had been outpacing supply, but increased production is now catching up. In a presentation to the California State ...
The National Organic Standards Board is set to meet in Portland, Oregon from October 22nd through 24th to discuss changes to the National ...
An online source to promote farm safety. That’s coming up on. An online source provides information on injuries on the farm ...
Efforts to keep AM radio in the dashboards of U.S. vehicles have taken a step forward in the House. The House Energy and ...
DPR is offering $1.9 million for projects focused on sustainable pest management through its 2025 Research and Alliance ...
This episode of Voices of the Valley features special guest Chelsea Ketelsen, Vice President of Marketing from HMC ...
U.S. ag exports continue to trail behind last year’s numbers. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. U.S. agricultural exports are still ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has introduced a new online resource on called the Debt Consolidation ...
There are some opposing views of the USDA’s September Net Farm Income Report. That’s coming up on.Administrator of USDA’s ..
Do you have a favorite farmers market? A look at why they each have their own feel. That’s coming up on.The USDA official ...