Since the passage of cyclone Chido, La Réunion Island has played a central role in providing aid to Mayotte, with ...
In a remote town, a media operation to distribute water and food went wrong ...
Emergency accommodation centres will have to close and Paris is depriving disaster victims of the ability to take action to deal with the urgency of their situation ...
‘International aid would have come much more quickly if we weren’t French’.
Emmanuel Macron, the French President, arrives in Mayotte today. He will find a devastated land. His administration says it is unable to draw up a death toll, citing several hundred or even several ...
La Plateforme réunionnaise composée du PS, du PCR, d’EELV, d’Ansamb, de Banian et de Place publique a rencontré Manuel Valls ...
Cette année marque un événement doublement significatif : la célébration de la Journée mondiale du braille et le bicentenaire ...
Bonjour et bonne année chers Amis. Profitons de ces vÅ“ux pour attirer votre attention à propos d’arguments qui renforcent nos ...