Like catching sight of a rainbow, seeing a butterfly feels like a special and fleeting privilege, a moment that triggers ...
A team of more than 30 researchers analyzed 12.6 million butterfly sightings across 76,000 population surveys. They found ...
Butterfly populations in the US shrank by more than a fifth within the space of two decades, according to a new study.
Even the invasive white cabbage butterfly, “a species that is well adapted to invade the world,” according to Haddad, fell by 50%. Cornell University butterfly expert Anurag Agrawal said he ...
A simple neural change alters mating preferences in male butterflies, aiding rapid behavioral evolution, Nicholas VanKuren ...
Among the lost is the ghostly white butterfly called Acadian hairstreak, which he suspects has retreated north as the climate warms. “It kills me,” said Glassberg, who founded the North ...
The red admiral, which is so calm it lands on people, is down 44% and the American lady butterfly, with two large eyespots on its back wings, decreased by 58%, Edwards said. Even the invasive white ...