When a rotating projectile reached a steady state, the Mikrotron camera recorded a total of 5,000 images over a duration of 5 ...
Sensor fusion is delivering a quiet revolution in how data is collected, interpreted, and acted upon in complex systems. By ...
The SR Measure iPhone app from Stockpile Reports uses phone cameras, algorithms and sensors to measure the total cubic yards of stockpiles. Details here ...
We use a white-noise-on-acceleration motion prior and treat the gyroscope as a direct measurement of the state while preintegrating accelerometer measurements to form relative velocity factors. Our ...
To keep track of this cosmic decay, physicists employ a concept called entropy. Entropy is a measure of disorderliness, and the declaration that entropy is always on the rise — known as the second law ...
The answer to this week’s contest crossword is a five-letter adjective. Email your answer in the subject line to
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