MONROE, La. (KNOE) -Meet Maggie Moo! She’s a one-year-old watusi calf at the Louisiana Purchase Gardens and Zoo in Monroe.
(PUEBLO, Colo.) — The Pueblo Zoo announced the recent passing of its watusi cow, Batik, who was brought to the zoo in 2015 as part of the introduction of the new African dog exhibit and other ...
The Pueblo Zoo has recently said goodbye to three beloved animals and hello to a new Watusi bull. Here's what to know.
The Pueblo Zoo has welcomed two new animals with the arrival of springtime. Both will call the farm exhibit, Pioneer Ranch, ...
Zoo staff recently welcomed Mrembo, a 1-year-old Watusi bull who joined the zoo in ... a Scottish Highland cow, on the zoo farm. "Mrembo has a very spunky personality and we look forward to ...