Today the symbol may seem as American as, well, Thanksgiving—but it didn’t start out that way.Baby Zeus’s Big BreakIn Greek ...
A groundbreaking discovery is rewriting the history of ancient Greece. New research suggests the cultural rise after the ...
While ancient Greece is one of the best known cultures of antiquity, there are no surviving historical narratives covering ...
Ancient Greek general Phocion, elected 45 times for his leadership, achieved major military triumphs but met a tragic end.
The Peloponnesian War by Thucydides is an awesome story about the ancient Greeks. But the story is more than a war report. It ...
The ancient Greek polis, or city-state, was a resilient and adaptable political institution founded on the principles of citizenship, freedom, and equality. Emerging around 650 BCE and lasting until ...
And it highlights the enduring phenomenon of nationalist animosity in international relationships. Against this background of received wisdom, Greeks, Turks, and their friends are assessing the impact ...
Here's what the ancient Greeks and Romans can teach us about the environment and ourselves. From Roman soldiers in crowded camps to emperors cleaning up rivers, there are many lessons to be learned.
Today the perilous state of the environment is often in the news. Many stories describe how Earth is being damaged by human beings and discuss ways to prevent this. These concerns are not new.
Eventually, nine muses were identified, covering every branch of the arts, in the ancient Greek poet Hesiod’s introduction to Theogony, his epic poem about mythical stories and characters (circa ...