Bald eagle parents, Jackie and Shadow, have captured the hearts of millions after successfully hatching eaglets. Three eaglets hatched last week as snow and wind battered the San Bernardino Mountains.
We are sad to let everyone know that one of Jackie and Shadow’s chicks did not make it through the severe winter storm.' ...
The bald eagle is a national symbol in the U.S., and if you want to catch a glimpse of one, you might think about taking a ...
Friends of Big Bear Valley announced Sunday afternoon that pipping had begun for Jackie and Shadow, who’ve experienced years of heartbreak ...
Concern turned to grief this weekend as fans of Big Bear's beloved bald eagle couple Shadow and Jackie learned one of the three eaglets that hatched in the pair's nest this month did not survive a ...
One of the three eaglets that recently hatched in the nest of Southern California's famous bald eagle couple Jackie and Shadow has died, according to Friends of Big Bear Valley.
In the wake of the death of one of three famous eaglets, "truth delivered delicately and with compassion works well" when explaining to kids.
The nonprofit that runs a livestream enjoyed by more than a million followers is letting fans name two baby eagles after a ...
The eaglets’ parents are unknowingly participating in an avian version of “The Truman Show,” the Jim Carrey movie about a man whose life was filmed for the world’s entertainment without his knowledge.
What would you name two bald eagle chicks? Talon? Sam Eagle? Leslie? Whatever your choice, it could become reality.