Another pet-friendly plant is the banana tree which adds a dramatic ... earning it the name spider plant. Carnivorous plants can add a quirky touch to your collection of houseplants.
These common household products make great insect-control solutions. Keep those pests away with these natural remedies. Keeping your home pest-free does not have to mean relying on harsh chemicals or ...
Looking for random tidbits to bring out at your next dinner party? Here are 167 random fun facts suitable for anyone in your ...
Why are spiders so smart? They can find everything ... An investi-gator. Why did the banana go to the doctor? It wasn’t peeling well. Dimensions/E+/Getty Images Where do roses sleep at night?
Shop for snacks & souvenirs at Makishi Market You could wait till you get to the airport to pick up a box of Tokyo Banana at the duty-free shop before ... The cliffs are also covered in rare plants, ...
As global food demand continues to increase, effective pest control remains one of agriculture's most pressing challenges.
This is the world. Beautifully weird and astonishingly intricate. And the banana spiders of South Carolina are no exception. An encounter with a golden orb weaver or a Banana Spider. Take a closer ...
As the weather grows warmer, more spiders will begin to appear. Here are the 10 venomous spiders in Louisiana and typical ...
Reading about the spider in Thursday's Argus, I thought you might like this little story. When I was 10 I lived in Lavender Street, and just up the road there's was a Fyffes banana depot. Two mates ...
Working with plants and produce, the nursery owner is no stranger to seeing his share of wildlife. "Honestly, we're a nursery so we see bugs and spiders all the time," he explained. But even for ...
Spider Plants are great for filtering out air pollutants and absorbing that extra moisture, as well as improving your indoor air quality, which prevents mould formation. Spider Plants, with their ...