A part of Anderson’s history will soon be restored. The clock and bell occupying the main tower at the Madison County Government Center are set to be restored after the Madison County Commissioners ...
Before wristwatches and smartphones, time in Delhi moved to the rhythm of water clocks and the Sun. Mentions of water clocks ...
The chimes on a historical clock will again ring out every quarter of an hour after being limited for months. The bells at Birkenhead Town Hall had tolled every fifteen minutes for 137 years until ...
The chimes on a historical clock will again ring out every quarter ... Champion Jerry Williams said the hammer that strikes the bell had now been nullified to reduce the noise levels, allowing ...
In 2012, Big Ben was officially renamed the Elizabeth Tower to honour Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee. Queen Victoria ...
Anyone exposed to music understands the paramount importance of a troupe of instrumentalists and vocalists being utterly ...
McUre, the earliest Glasgow historian, was eloquent about Glasgow’s new Tolbooth. He describes its stately staircase ascending to the justice court hall, within which is the entry of a large turnpike, ...
Such is the case with Elle Tesch’s debut What Wakes the Bells, a story that owes a significant debt to a legend surrounding the largest bell at St ... belfries and their clocks, but we prepare ...
Welshpool may never hear the chimes from its Town Hall clock again after it was revealed that vibrations could be a ...