There's a new year upon us, with 2025 capping off a quarter-century of the modern Apple and its definitive role in personal ...
By Steve Flairty NKyTribune columnist That guy you may remember who played a disc jockey part on the highly popular movie ...
Former coworkers describe Davis's ruthless focus on efficiency, which could be perfect for cutting government bloat.
Trump trotted out Masa’s line about 50,000 new jobs and $50 billion of investment in the U.S. Masa beamed into the TV cameras ...
Apple CEO Tim Cook's daily routine includes waking before 5 a.m., drinking Diet Mountain Dew during the day, and holding ...
That whole ideology, seen now, amounts to a kind of bargain: That in exchange for fealty to basic liberal causes, and support ...
IMDb, the Amazon-owned online database that provides information on movies, TV shows, and celebrities, announced on Tuesday ...