Games like word games, puzzles, or card games can help create more brain neurons, which can slow the decline of cognition and memory related to dementia. Dementia causes a progressive loss of a ...
Seniors who engaged in memory strategies two hours a week had enduring thinking benefits, a new study suggests.
Others strategize their way through a sudoku grid or work out a word search not necessarily because they enjoy it but because ...
The BARR phenomenon flips a "switch" that resets neurons during sleep and prevents the brain from experiencing memory ...
He is also director of the Memory and Cognition Program with Geisinger ... attention and to quickly process information ...
University of Oklahoma researchers recently published a study showing that several measurements of the brain, including blood ...
A combination of drugs targets two brain proteins critical in neuroinflammation, which is involved in brain aging and ...
Performing this pastime has several benefits in our daily life and, of course, for our brain: Strengthening spatial memory: by going through different scenarios and looking only for the help of a ...
TUESDAY, Sept. 17, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Brain training aimed at improving memory can ward off symptoms of Alzheimer’s ...
Concussions are a mild traumatic brain injury common in sports, though they can also be caused by falls and accidents. About ...
The combination of drugs targets two brain proteins critical in neuroinflammation, which is involved in brain aging and ...