The Manitoba government expects new designs of a long-promised flood prevention project will be completed later this year ...
The NDP government has allocated $65.7 million to upgrade the Rivers Dam at Lake Wahtopanah. The figure, included in Thursday ...
"With regard to hurricanes, the National Oceanic Administration tells us that actually, as difficult as they are, there are no more hurricanes today than there were 100 years ago," he said. What was ...
Heavy rainfall earlier this week caused moderate flooding along the lower Herbert River at Abergowrie Bridge, Ingham Pump Station and Gairloch during Thursday, with major flooding further downstream ...
Moderate to heavy rainfall has been observed across the Tully River catchment since Thursday evening. Minor flooding is occurring along the Tully River at Euramo. Further showers and thunderstorms are ...
With much of the country in the grip of devastating bushfires, it's hard to believe that only nine years ago much of Queensland was battling a flood crisis. Starting in November 2010, 97 communities ...