F ilm-makers in China have long tried to find the secret sauce for movies that wow audiences while pleasing the Communist ...
Weight control in China was once a solitary battle. Now, the government is offering a helping hand. At a recent news ...
Participants compete during the 2025 Chongqing Marathon in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, March 2, 2025. (Xinhua/Huang Wei) BEIJING, March 16 ...
Miniso appears to be undervalued given its strong international growth, success of its 'Top Toy' brand, and relatively low ...
Five key actions could help improve Oklahoma schools, which are lagging behind China's. Merit pay for teachers is one of them ...
With every passing day, it is harder to remember that Elon Musk was not always a political firebrand. The old Musk advocated ...
The artist’s seemingly simple pen strokes were capable of capturing both the gravity and the absurdity of peacetime and war.
I’ve come to realize that when we lose the ability to communicate fully in words, the other ways we connect—through actions, ...
The exquisitely exacting and expensive process (three to four times more costly than reliable black and white) was a major ...
But the other half of the country is mortified by Trump’s bull-in-a-China-shop approach to government and foreign ... On war: ...
He’s pushy and profane; definitely no Willy Wonka. But Jim Fetzer – aka the Chocolate Nazi – is a one-man factory, churning ...
But it is the mischievousness of the Irish spirit and wit — the “hard-boiled, darkly humorous, racetrack-bitten” language of the Irish — that has really benefited America. Irish spirit and wit were ...