In ecology, for example, marine organisms from bacteria to whales display ... which undergoes successive rounds of cell division accompanied by differentiation to produce an adult organism with X ...
"We’re at a point now where if hospitals and clinicians and all on down the line can’t or are unwilling to prescribe to kind ...
They increasingly make products — drugs, vaccines, better crops, and so on — using DNA and RNA sequences, or other genetic ...
The filamentous bacterium Corynebacterium matruchotii has a unique reproductive strategy that might allow it to claim territory quickly.
Jenssen guessed then that two of her daughters, the twins, had a Duchenne mutation, and she knew in her heart that, for at ...
A research team has successfully recreated the structure of wrinkles in biological tissue in vitro, uncovering the mechanisms behind their formation.
Development of Jihadist movement and other extremist Muslim organizations: Development of terrorist cells within the Muslim ...