Learn why concussed athletes may still face recovery challenges. Hidden brain changes can last much longer than symptoms.
New Zealand researchers have discovered a telltale marker left in the brain after a concussion – potentially giving doctors a ...
A study conducted at Tampere University shows that a blow to the head can significantly impact a child's or adolescent's ...
A large-scale analysis showed that those who have experienced traumatic brain injuries under the age of 50 have about 1.9 ...
Brain damage from a concussion could linger in an athlete's brain for at least a year after the injury, long after they have ...
For athletes with concussion, persistent postconcussion changes are seen in cerebral blood flow (CBF) and white matter at ...
Research shows that brain changes in college athletes can persist for up to a year after a concussion, even after they are ...
Concussed college athletes may experience lasting brain changes, including reduced blood flow, up to a year after returning to play.
For college athletes with concussion, brain changes may remain visible in brain scans up to a year after they are cleared to return to play, according to a new study.
New Zealand researchers have discovered a telltale marker left in the brain after a concussion – potentially giving doctors a clearer steer on when to stand down players. Around 33,250 cases of mild ...