A fascination with physics has influenced the strange shapes ... who makes pots”, hand-builds stoneware cups, bowls, pouring vessels and vases. She paints them using coloured clay slips with ...
This year, they will apply their expertise to designing a kennel inspired by the timeless artistry of traditional clay-coiled pots ... The soft, curved shape creates an inviting space while ...
Hanging with your friends, exploring new and fun activities, doing sports together, sharing meals and sleeping in a bunk are the things that make up summer camp. Those carefree days can fuel a kid for ...
The artist fell in love with pottery as a child when she was introduced to clay in art class — she would even skip recess to play with it — and eventually became a high school art teacher. Sanyour ...
We were standing in the open, wood-paneled kitchen of Mirukashi Salon, a hyper-seasonal culinary retreat set in the hilly ...
The annual empty bowl fundraiser will include over 500 handmade bowls for sale and yummy bites. Plus, half of the proceeds go ...
MACA has an art club for adults with disabilities. Led by Libby Wilson, the club meets downstairs at the McDowell County Public Library in Marion every first Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Fun and ...