Hold a cool compress to the skin or plunge the affected area into a basin filled with ice water. Soak in a baking soda, colloidal oatmeal, or Epsom salt bath. Topical aloe vera gel, coconut oil ...
Some common rashes that can affect the hands and feet include viral hand, foot, and mouth disease, dyshidrotic eczema, and impetigo, a bacterial skin infection. Some of these conditions may cause ...
The telltale itch begins subtly – perhaps a slight irritation on your arm or an uncomfortable warmth spreading across your chest. Before long, your skin erupts in patches of redness, bumps, or ...
The only change she mentioned was, because it was frigid outside, she and her friends were going to the mall a lot where they ...
Armpit rashes are common in summer and require a combination of remedies and treatments Here’s what an expert has to say ...
The cause of rashes can vary, spanning allergic reactions, infections, autoimmune diseases and environmental irritants.
Discover the unexpected reasons behind breast and nipple itching, from simple skin irritation to more serious concerns that warrant medical attention.
Red itchy skin Understand the difference between atopic dermatitis linked to allergies and general eczema with this ...
PUPPP stands for pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy. Also known as polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (PEP), it is one of the most common types of rash you can get during pregnancy.
There are many potential reasons babies develop rashes. While rashes on babies are common, and most are not a cause for alarm, they can be uncomfortable and cause irritation. Often, there may be ...
Babies often develop rashes, and finding a cause is often difficult. However, rashes on a baby’s face may result from a cow milk allergy. A dairy allergy rash may be raised, discolored, and itchy.