Aside from Spock's bangs and the Vulcan salute, Star Trek’s Starfleet insignia, often referred to as the "delta," is one of the most recognizable images in science fiction. Feat ...
In a working session with Head of the Interpol’s Permanent Observer Office to the UN Floriane Bacconnier on March 19, Hoang ...
Kellie Gerardi of Jupiter, is her own kind of astronaut, one who marries science and sparkle and who wants to show other ...
The Timex MK1 is modeled after the MIL-W-46374 issued to US servicemen after World War II. Now available in two sizes, both ...
LeVel33 was recently named the World’s Highest Microbrewery in a Building by Guinness World Records. The Singapore craft beer ...
Delta,” to her daughter Delta Victoria — named after the Delta-V symbol used in spaceflight dynamics — on Earth below. The post went viral, and in that moment, one thought ran through ...
She whispered, "Hi, Delta," at the window and pictured her 7-year-old daughter Delta Victoria – named after the Delta-V symbol used in ... "I wanted to force that picture to expand to include ...
Vicksburg was incorporated in 1825, and for 200 years it has been shaped and molded by all who have lived here. And while ...
Harrington’s Delta Company with 1st Battalion, 5th Marines began the assault with a force of 120 ... The picture circulated internationally as a symbol of Huế, though Harrington did not ...
From now on, the brand’s mainstay Blond Lager will carry a label with the Guinness World Records logo on it ... this month on suspicion of trying to force their way onto an American Airlines ...
After downturns in forestry and petroleum production, B.C.'s northernmost municipality has turned to tourism for a lifeline.