Gang figures are neglecting exotic animals, but outdated laws do little to stop their import, writes Sarah Horgan ...
Native to Europe, common wall lizards are growing bigger, faster, and more resilient in Ohio. Scientists say the city itself ...
A new study, published in Historical Biology, has revealed a stunning fossil discovery in Vienna, reshaping our understanding ...
Suze Orman has surprisingly simple Social Security, retirement advice President Trump signs executive order unleashing forest management after LA wildfires Box Office: ‘Captain America' Staying Above ...
Suggested reading from critics and editors at The New York Times.
A new species of primitive reptile, named Marmoretta drescherae, was identified from fossils unearthed in Portugal dating ...
The owner of Ireland’s National Reptile Zoo has been called to assist ... “It’s free trade within the European Union, so if it’s bred within Europe and is what is described as a 'non ...
New research from the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart reconstructs Triassic terrestrial ecosystems using fossils ...
Maribor is a mountain city with a deep winemaking heritage, and the Drava River flows through it creating a peaceful place to ...
Lilly Dawson from the National Trust advised visitors to keep dogs on leads and stay on designated walking paths throughout ...
Denmark is still the world’s second-happiest country, Ecco makes loss, flu cases on the way down and more news from Denmark ...
A stranded turtle is to be given to the National Aquarium Denmark, also known as Den Blå Planet (‘The Blue Planet’), after ...