Alewife spawning season on Long Island may benefit from a new fish ladder, though initial results show fewer fish than ...
Pennsylvania’s wildlife is facing an uphill battle. As habitats become increasingly fragmented due to infrastructure ...
The Topsham Select Board voted March 6 to join the effort to restore the Androscoggin River to health and prosperity after ...
A coalition of environmental groups sued the Eugene Water and Electric Board, accusing the public utility of violating the Endangered Species Act. EWEB has disputed the allegations.
EWEB's failure to build a passage since 2008 constitutes "serious harm to protected fish species," Peter Jensen, an attorney ...
Lake Washington's water levels seem to rise and fall unpredictably, but there's actually a method behind the movement, as we ...
A new website now gives you a regular count, usually weekly, of how many steelhead, coho salmon, chinook salmon and brown ...
Conservationists said EWEB's hydroelectric facility located on the McKenzie River has not followed established regulations in enabling fish to swim upriver.
Becker Pond Dam is scheduled for removal in November. The estimated cost has grown by hundreds of thousands of dollars since ...
Beaver dams support biodiversity but can hinder fish migration, highlighting the need for balanced conservation strategies.