The quarry on national forest land, which I-40 passes through, would be one to three miles from where it’s needed. NCDOT and ...
Controversy surrounds the reopening of the historic Aluva-Munnar Road, with protests and legal action against the Forest ...
Wednesday marks six months since Hurricane Helene left a path of destruction in Tampa. Nearly two weeks later, Hurricane Milton left its own path of destruction.
Hurricane Helene left behind thousands of fallen trees in the Upstate, which are having an impact on wildfires burning at ...
Helicopters dumped water over a burning forest in South Korea on Thursday as fire crews struggled to contain the country’s worst-ever wildfires, which have killed 28 people, forced at least 37,800 to ...
A 66-year-old man has reportedly been rescued from rising flood water in Queensland, Australia after he was stranded alone ...
Many people living in the Himalayas, Andes, Alps, Rocky Mountains, Iceland, and Alaska have experienced glacial lake outburst floods of one type or another.
If the climate crisis has increased storms in your area, raised beds, rain gardens, and native plants should be your new best ...
New research finds that global warming has significantly reduced the amount of water that’s being stored around the world in ...
Whether you're in the mood for a quick getaway or an adventurous road trip, you’ve got lots of great options right here in ... on MSN13h
A Forest Under Fire
The poles are warming faster than anywhere else on Earth, and fires in the northern boreal forest are increasing in both ...