Emergency crews in southern California responded to a man whose vehicle was trapped by floodwaters. Powerful storms moved ...
The Murfreesboro Fire Rescue Department helped rescue four people from a vehicle that drove into a flooded roadway.
A person was rescued after moving flood water washed their car off the road Sunday morning. In a social media post, ...
You're looking at a 2022 Lamborghini Huracan STO with unknown mileage that was submerged under water at one point and is now ...
Since 1990, a growing band of enthusiasts has been annually returning to Lake Gairdner — and this year their number included ...
Chris Crews with Memphis Collison of Cordova explains how driving through standing water can create major damage.
THIS is the shocking moment a popular holiday hotspot in Spain is left severely flooded by a river of ice. Devastating ...
The National Weather Service issued an updated flood warning at 9:47 a.m. on Saturday valid from 9 p.m. until Monday 11:12 ...
Sharks have been sighted swimming through Gold Coast canals as Australia continued to struggle with heavy rain and flooding ...
Flash flooding has started on the Sunshine Coast after a deluge brought in the aftermath of ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred.