Restraining rivers through stop banks and channels transfers and heightens flood risks downstream. Allowing them to roam free ...
To this day, the flood stage at 35 feet holds a spot in the record book for the highest level the Merrimack River has ever reached.
The architects at ABARI (Adobe and Bamboo Research Institute) have been experimenting with a thorny bamboo species like ...
One medium-sized river in Eastern Montana overflowed, flooding the town and pushing huge icebergs down Main Street.
The insects are known to travel up to 20 miles in search of a “blood meal,” according to the Santa Clara County Vector ...
As we enter the spring season, remember to be aware of natural hazards common to Austin and the Central Texas area that can ...
The Douglas County Board of Commissioners Declared a State of Emergency on Sunday, March 16 at 10:15 am for the entire county due to the ”extreme conditions related to the ...
Lake Champlain has played a central role in LCC’s new Executive Director Jenny Patterson’s life. The lake was a formative ...
For decades, the number of salmon in the river has sharply dropped, but now scientists believe they just might have a ...
A public exhibition is planned this summer to showcase plans to safeguard hundreds of homes from coastal flooding. An ...
The history of our area is punctuated by floods that have ravished the area from time to time. The worst of them being the ...