The City of Fort Wayne wants to make it perfectly clear. It has nothing to do with the organization known as Fort Wayne Next.
A Fort Wayne man was caught off guard when he found his driveway completely inaccessible due to ongoing city construction. He ...
The leaders behind the Fort Wayne Next development plan offered to work with Fort Wayne Community Schools on locating its new ...
Starting on or after Thursday, the left lane of northbound I-469 between U.S. 24 and State Road 37/Maysville Road will be ...
Fort Wayne officials and the Harvester Neighborhood on Wednesday celebrated a new bus shelter as part of neighborhood renewal efforts. The shelter is located at Jesus Name Church, 3615 New Haven Ave.
The new bus shelter in the harvester neighborhood is a result of community efforts to not only create a safe space but also a ...
FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WPTA) - Leaders say a new bus shelter is a milestone in the Harvester Neighborhood’s ongoing renewal ...