And if they go even longer, O’Brien threatened to flash old headshots. Too bad this wasn ... of Adrien Brody throwing his gum to his galpal Georgina Chapman before taking the stage to accept ...
He also gave his partner Georgina Chapman a special shout out ... The comedian then showed early headshots of some of the nominees before playfully showing a picture of an ultrasound to represent ...
While presenting a montage of early Hollywood headshots, O’Brien praised the ... while Brody’s partner British fashion designer and actress Georgina Chapman cheered them on.
He showed off some headshots of attendees ... Halle approached him, turned to his wife and said: "Sorry Georgina but I gotta do it.” The incident took place on the red carpet before the event ...
Do you know you can generate headshots that look just like you? Most of the time, you may spend time thinking about what to wear, or where to find the best photographer but little do you know that ...
The spotlight was once again on Georgina Rodriguez as she arrived at a high profile fashion event in Paris, but this time, it was for reasons other than her glamorous appearance. Fans and media ...