Twelve million euros to renovate two schools in Torre del Greco. The funding approval comes from the Campania Region and will ...
Last night, the State Police arrested a 40-year-old Neapolitan man with a criminal record, including specific offenses, for ...
The short film explores the theme of the ephemeral and the eternal, quoting verses from "La sera del dì di festa" by Giacomo Leopardi: "And to think how everything in the world passes and leaves ...
Recent pro-European demonstrations in Italy saw top liberals call for the EU to rearm. For some, it’s a passionate rallying ...
It’s always inspiring when we learn of a superb art collection formed by a non-expert, especially when it’s filled with terrific examples from a comparatively overlooked era.
Giacomo Balla’s Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash is a masterpiece of pet images, Futurism, and early 20th-century Italian art.