Writer-director Alan Rudolph and star Keith Carradine discuss the making of their indie classic as it enters The Criterion ...
Sierra Stages’ launch of its wonderful production, “Sense & Sensibility,” takes an old chestnut and makes it new, compelling ...
In “The Fisherman’s Gift,” a man finds a lost child on a Scottish beach after a storm, a discovery that unlocks a town’s ...
Since the beginning of cinema, actors have played opposite themselves — our film critic picks some highlights.
Who Controls the Lipstick? The children stand and leave the room, Grandpa bangs his cane on the floor from the bed of his ...
Hozier is a powerhouse writer with a large selection of hits, but he's also proficient in writing a powerful protest song.
And I would argue that disappointments and remonstrations from those who love you are vital, and far more helpful than ...
White has a real ear for the way women talk about mutual friends behind ... or at least give us a Greek chorus. The show’s narrow scope means it ends up recycling the same tropes of seasons ...
And I would argue that disappointments and remonstrations from those who love you are vital, and far more helpful than sycophantic attaboys from a Greek chorus ... men and women assigned its ...
As Lebanon teeters on the edge, Beirut’s people live between resilience and ruin, caught in an unending cycle of conflict ...