Penny Linn CEO Krista Leray sits down with TODAY’s Dylan Dreyer about going from working for Major League Baseball to turning her needlepoint hobby into a lucrative career — and how she helps ...
After two seasons playing in Thunder Bay, Andrea Kelly is leaving Team Krista McCarville to curl out of her home province of New Brunswick once again. "While it's hard to see her go, we are deeply ...
Toronto police Staff Sgt. Ernest "Dave" Haynes — the husband of Krista Ford Haynes and son-in-law of Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford — is facing multiple police act charges over alleged ...
Täna, 25. veebruari hommikul meie seast lahkunud Krista Aru lõpetas Juhan Peegli ajakirjandusosakonna esimese lennu, ta oli ka selle kursuse vanem. „Juba enne ülikooli saabumist hakkas elu Krista ...
Täna hommikul, 25. veebruaril lahkus meie seast 66-aastasena kirjandusteadlane ja museoloog, Tartu aukodanik Krista Aru. Krista Aru oli aastatel 1995–2005 Eesti kirjandusmuuseumi direktor, aastatel ...
Krista Lee, the former wife of tech entrepreneur Bob Lee, has been at the forefront of the legal battle following his tragic death. As NBC’s Dateline prepares to air its episode Under the Bay ...