Illinois State Police K9 DuQ has received a bullet and stab protective vest thanks to a charitable donation from non-profit ...
LPD's K9 Bella’s vest is embroidered with the sentiment “This gift of protection provided by Vested Interest in K9s, Inc.” The body armor for K9 officers is US-made, custom-fitted ...
Grimm, a single-purpose K-9 who works on drug detection, will receive a custom-made bullet and stab protective vest from Vested Interest in K9s. “I think it is a wonderful opportunity for our ...
NEW BERN, N.C. (WNCT) — Three New Bern Police Department K9 officers named Chase, Storm and Zorro received bullet and stab proof protective vests Monday through Vested Interest in K9s ...
According to the Marshall County Sheriff’s Office, Vested Interest in K-9s, Inc. donated a bullet and stab protective vest for K-9 Drax. They say his vest was sponsored by Cheryl Hopper of ...
Four K9 dogs working for the Virginia Department of Corrections will receive bullet and stab protective vests thanks to a national non-profit. The vests for Diego, Orco, Titus and Tyson come from ...
MARSHALL COUNTY, Ky. (KFVS) - A nonprofit organization donated body armor to a western Kentucky sheriff’s office K-9. According to the Marshall County Sheriff’s Office, Vested Interest in K-9s, Inc.
The K9 Unit of the Blacksburg Police Department will be much safer protecting citizens thanks to a donation of protective ballistic vests from Brady’s K9. Blacksburg PD is doing backflips by the ...