A Medicaid and Medicare fraud crackdown is anticipated with a bipartisan congressional proposal to check Social Security Administration death records.
The Social Security Administration is shuttering offices, and the Republicans’ own math suggests that they are planning big ...
I have received from Medicare a summary that shows a fraudulent billing to me for over $8,000. The doctor was a K. E. Lien that supposedly ordered this product. I went to Northern Montana medical ...
A former Long Island business owner is accused of masterminding a massive health care fraud scheme that allegedly scammed ...
President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the Medicare agency is joining regulators, lawmakers, and a host of policy watchers ...
A physician in Chattanooga, Tenn., and his practice in Ringgold, Ga., will pay $700,000 to resolve allegations that they ...
Fairbury’s Jefferson Community Health and Life reported that the local hospital’s name was used in a Medicare fraud attempt in Lincoln last week.
The medical assistance protection act would increase penalties for bad actors as well as give the attorney general more ...
It is not clear what would become of the federal government’s health care enforcement efforts without the False Claims Act’s qui tam program.
16-year-old at Park Vista High student makes smiles on Monday nights ...
Please visit our list of the best cash-back cards for alternative options. Credit card fraud can happen if someone physically steals your card or virtually hacks your account, and it can be a ...