Three lawsuits alleging bed bug infestations at vacation rentals have been filed in Horry County, SC over the last two months. Here’s what you should know to avoid an itchy situation, according to an ...
Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter answers your pet-related questions. Also this week: Dio farm animals get fleas?
Lice negatively impacts the health, performance, and wellbeing of cows, stockers, and feedlot cattle during the winter months ...
There is plenty to think about when considering how to take care of a horse. A good starting point are the following seven core areas: hoof care, diet, exercise, general health, teeth, worm control, ...
Staff members believe the sunfish stopped eating when the aquarium was temporarily closed because it was lonely.
The newest treatment for AUD, acamprosate (Campral) was developed in France. The FDA approved the drug for abstinence ...
The findings, based on an analysis of records from 2.5 million VA patients, support much of what scientists already suspected ...
Raw milk is milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized. Pasteurization is a heat treatment process that kills harmful ...
The way you pay for things is going to need to keep up. Here are some of the best credit cards for young adults, whether you’re totally new to using them, or you’re looking for something a ...
A lonely sunfish has been given cardboard human friends by staff at an aquarium in Japan to help improve its mental health.