Played by Iman Vellani, Kamala's MCU debut came in the Disney+ series Ms. Marvel. Vellani reprised the role for the 2023 movie The Marvels, where her character teamed up with Carol Danvers/Captain ...
"Ms. Marvel" is a coming-of-age story about Kamala ... A cheaper, ad-supported option is expected to launch later this year. For more movies and TV shows, we recommend checking out the Disney ...
Ms. Marvel definitely takes place after Endgame ... and each episode takes a different Marvel movie as its jumping-off point. It gets its own section of the timeline for that reason, and the ...
Ms. Marvel star Iman Vellani is a firm fan-favourite on social media. It helps that, like those of you reading this, she's also a fan. That's likely why her movie reviews on Letterboxd always ...
Further on the horizon: A second “WandaVision” spin-off featuring Paul Bettany’s Vision (or his ghostly doppelgänger); a fourth “Spider-Man” movie ... in which Ms. Marvel (Iman Vellani ...