Earthquake hits Myanmar and Thailand
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At least 144 people have died in Myanmar, with hundreds more injured, and those numbers are expected to rise.
From BBC
A 7.7 magnitude earthquake has struck Myanmar, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) says.
From BBC
More than 1,000 have died and more than 2,000 have been injured, although it is difficult to obtain accurate information.
From BBC
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THIS is the dramatic moment a woman was pulled alive from the rubble in Myanmar after being trapped for more than 30 hours. She was one of the many people affected by the devastating 7.7 magnitude
Friday's deadly earthquake rattled most of Myanmar and Thailand but certain areas sustained the heaviest damage, including flattened buildings and many lost lives.
A 7.7 magnitude earthquake rattled much of Southeast Asia on Friday, flattening skyscrapers and leaving more than 1,000 people dead from Myanmar to Thailand.
Casualty figures have been slow to emerge in Myanmar and Thailand as rescuers scramble to find survivors under the rubble of buildings destroyed by the quake. The number of people missing following the collapse of a high-rise building in Bangkok has been revised to 117, Thai rescuers said on Friday.
The military-led regime has been weakened by a yearslong civil war. Now millions are counting on it to allow emergency aid.
Myanmar is one of the most prone areas to earthquakes in the world as it features among the high-risk regions on the Global Seismic Risk Map. Notably, Sagaing Fault is an important earthquake-prone fault in Myanmar.
In a censored nation that runs on rumor and omens, people in Myanmar wonder whether the latest disaster might be a portent of regime change.