As the calendar flips to September, Nancy Patterson plans a birthday party for New Jersey’s second-oldest lighthouse, situated where the Maurice River meets the Delaware Bay. This year ...
Some women wouldn't settle for being housekeepers. They became lighthousekeepers. A Women's History Month presentation by the Englewood Library looks at their world.
At the Barnegat Lighthouse Visitor Center on Saturday, March 15 at 1 p.m., attend a lecture about lighthouse keeper Ellen S. Low. The talk will also cover 1830s LBI, other women keepers, Low’s gown ...
If you're a Monmouth County native and a Jeopardy! fan, you were likely pointing at the television and shouting on Tuesday ...
And a great view it is – located at the northern end of the city, this lighthouse stands 171 feet high, making it the tallest of its kind in New Jersey and one of the tallest in the country.
Built in 1859 and opened to the public in 1988, the Cape May Lighthouse has welcomed more than 2.5 million visitors to date. Travelers who scale the 199 steps to the top of the lighthouse will be ...
Recovery Centers of America at Lighthouse in Mays Landing, NJ is a drug and alcohol treatment facility that helps patients suffering from an addiction to alcohol, heroin, fentanyl, cocaine ...
and her grave — and in female lighthouse keepers in general. Sarah is recognized as part of the New Jersey Women's Heritage Trail. Others she'll talk about, in her presentation, include Fanny ...