Now, we also know that we have The 40-Year-Old Virgin and iTunes to thank for that decision.
From “The Farm” to “Stairmageddon,” there are some episodes of The Office that are so tonally jarring that they don’t even feel like episodes of The Office. Throughout its nine-season ...
NBC didn't have high hopes for the now iconic sitcom when it premiered. But it has ridden the wave of new TV platforms ever ...
The Office has iconic episodes like "Casino Night," "Threat Level Midnight," and "Niagara: Part 2." Emotional highs like in "A.A.R.M." and comedic gold like in "Dinner Party" make the series ...
Crunch time comes and David is told by Head Office that he will be promoted if he sacrifices the branch. True to his innate sense of self-preservation and greed David leaps at the chance for ...
Dawn's engagement to Lee is on the rocks and Tim begins to think that he may at last have a chance with her. In this great episode David hinders the productivity of the training expert and gives the ...