When it comes to elevating the aesthetic and functionality of any space, wall panels are a game-changer. Whether you are ...
IN THE UK, installing a new bathroom will typically set you back anywhere from £5,000 to an eye-watering £10,000. But now one ...
Apple chief executive Steve Jobs unveils a new mobile phone that can also be used as a digital music player and a camera, a ...
One 3000 lumen lamp with four lights you can position independently.
You’ll need to make a raft of decisions before you choose which smart switches to install in your home, and your choices will ...
On the outside, it looks like a completely normal house but on the inside, you’ll notice that it is anything but normal!
The towering granite tribute to fallen soldiers of a controversial war was the result of a design contest won by a ...
Plastic bottles, smartphones, chicken bones and the wider debris of everyday life are tipped to outlast human civilisation ...
Partners Dominique and Dave Harvey have turned Seabass Vinyl into not only Scotland's first and only pressing plant but also ...
Impeccable picture quality comes at a high price - or at least it does at launch. The QE65S90F will be a fantastic OLED TV ...
PVC vinyl fencing has other problems. Yes, it's strong, but it can still fracture. When that happens, it can be expensive -- ...
The second iteration of IRE awards celebrate cutting-edge developments in materials, equipment, tools and services that are ...