ComicX, a comic book-themed restaurant, closed its Phoenix location on Sunday, Feb. 23. The location at Desert Ridge Marketplace served American food and had tons of pop culture memorabilia ...
Each of the sections on this list breaks down the best X-comic books of the month into different ... been the feat of beating the Black Order (Phoenix No. 3) or Gorr the God Butcher (Phoenix ...
Think comic books are strictly for nerds and neckbeards? Check those misconceptions at the door of Ash Avenue Comics & Books, bub, as the popular Tempe shop's diverse patronage illustrates otherwise.
Jean Grey faces off against the Mad Titan himself in Phoenix #9, hitting stores on Wednesday. Check out the preview below to see who will emerge victorious from this cosmic clash!
Jean Grey's sister Sara makes a miraculous return in Phoenix #11 by Stephanie Phillips and Roi Mercado, on sale this May, and ...
It seems like every comic book artist in town has a crowdfunding campaign to fund his or her latest work. Some meet their goals. Most don't. Then, there's the case of Nick Cagnetti's Pink Lemonade ...
Marvel has created a lot of great books over the years, but for me, Marvel’s greatest story is “The Dark Phoenix Saga” and it’s not even close. It brought comics to the next level and ...
That’s because a Phoenix restaurant that catered to fans of comic books, cartoons and superhero films closed last weekend. The restaurant and bar was known for its unique decorations ...
ComicX, a Mexico-based, comic book-themed restaurant has closed its ... All of which are now being auctioned off by Phoenix-based ComicX opened at Desert Ridge in 2019.