A transcript of the audio and one possible translation is shown below. Tralalero Tralala, porco dio e porco Allah, Eu estava com a porra do meu filho merda, Jogando Fortnite. Quando em um ponto vem ...
The Quran consists of 114 chapters and is taken to be the direct words of God, or Allah. The hadith, or accounts by the companions of Prophet Muhammad’s thoughts and deeds, supplement the Quran.
Diddy’s legal team has accused CNN of digitally altering and destroying the original footage of the… ...
I shall return. Perhaps that's why Allah has kept me alive." She claimed that those killed during the July-August student protests did not die because of police firing. She also said that if ...
Misture todos os ingredientes e esfregue na carne (pode ser de véspera) e deixe a marinar para tomar gosto. Pré-aqueça o forno a 160ºC. Coloque a carne numa assadeira com o couro virado para cima, ...
Mude a água várias vezes para as amêijoas largarem a areia. Corte a carne de porco em cubinhos e tempere com o alho, a massa de pimentão, o vinho, o sal a pimenta e o louro. Deixe marinar durante ...
An illustration of a magnifying glass. An illustration of a magnifying glass.