Jillian Patrie | University of Minnesota Yard and Garden Extension ...
For apple scab, do one spray now while the tree is dormant and the tips of the buds are green. Spray again later in winter ...
Gardeners growing fruits, including apples, pears and raspberries, should mark their calendars this month. February is an ...
Question: Can I reduce the height of my apple trees so all the fruit is within reach without a ladder? Is this a good time to prune apple and other fruit trees? Answer: Fruit trees can be pruned ...
Can I reduce the height of my apple trees so all the fruit is within reach without a ladder? Is this a good time to prune apple and other fruit trees? Fruit trees can be pruned any time from now ...
Pruning is "vital" for healthy peach trees, according to Michael Kenins, co-owner of Vista Tree Management and an ...
Pruning apple trees during dormancy in winter is recommended to promote high quality fruit production. Learning how to properly prune apple trees gives growers the knowledge and skills to use pruning ...
Now is the time for apple tree pruning. It is a simple process that can provide food for wildlife now and into the future.
The only thing you can do catastrophically wrong is to remove all the 2-year-old wood on apples, pears, and European plums.
While pruning is not essential for apple, pear and cherry trees to bear edible fruit, annual dormant season pruning manages the trees' stored energy for maximizing fruit production in the spring ...
It's also important to have a pruning saw to cut off larger branches. A bush tree is the most common form of fruit tree, with an open arrangement of branches growing from a short trunk.
Pruning is an essential step in ensuring that your tree produces as much quality fruit as possible and can even help prevent diseases. Fortunately, pruning a peach tree is relatively ...