It blooms from fall until spring with irresistible silky blooms in pink, red, and lavender ... encounter a fair share of Yeroham irises. These are dwarf bearded irises, seldom more than a foot ...
Sara Coleridge, daughter of Samuel Coleridge the poet, wrote verses for children during the mid-1800s and amongst her ditties about gardens and flowers that bloom each month, she is perhaps most ...
The bearded iris is a popular, tall-growing iris ... Snowflakes work well when planted with other shade-tolerant plants, like red campion. Grow snowflakes in moist but well-drained soil in partial ...
Irises put on a show in Southern gardens in a rainbow of colors. Learn when different types of irises—Dwarf, Dutch, and ...
Can you identify the two common irises of Marin County? Douglas iris (Iris douglasiana) and ground iris (Iris macrosiphon) ...
Unlock the Secret of Iris Bloom Timing Growing up in the mountains of Western North Carolina, I used to think that irises belonged to the orchid family due to their stunning and exotic blooms. I would ...
Symptoms of red tide exposure, such as coughing and chest pain, typically subside upon leaving the affected area, but those with chronic lung conditions may experience more severe or prolonged ...