Higher penalties and potential criminal charges could be on the table for violators passing a stopped school bus. $300 is the ...
A school bus was hit by an SUV Tuesday afternoon in Vermilion County. The accident happened around 3:20 p.m. on West Main ...
Georgia Gov. Kemp signed Addy's law. It punishes drivers who pass stopped school buses with a $1,000 fine or a year in jail.
It also creates a civil violation of $300 for people who illegally pass stopped buses. That money would help fund grants to ...
If a police officer catches you failing to stop for school bus, you'll receive a $250 fine, 60-day license suspension, and ...
The Wausau Police Department is reminding drivers of school bus safety after repeated issues of drivers not stopping for the ...
The Springfield City Council unanimously approved a resolution in support of a bill signed by Gov. Maura Healey in early January that aims to enhance the safety of school children who ride the bus ...
Investigative Reporter Katie LaGrone reveals how much money new school bus cameras have generated for districts and the profit-making companies behind the lenses.