The accident occurred within Alaska's Chugach National Forest. Photo: Angela Scapini/Getty Images The victims of ...
Getty Images “Troopers received a ... an aircraft to get to the remote spot well off the Seward Highway. Girdwood is the skiing capital of Alaska, and home to the Hotel Alyeska, at the base ...
Surgical tech and photographer melds work and play with a debut exhibit in the South Peninsula Hospital gallery.
Joy Ryan is already the oldest person to have visited all 63 U.S. national parks. She is currently on a mission with her grandson, Brad, to visit all seven continents.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — The world’s most famous sled ... The largest field ever was 96 mushers in 2008. PHOTOS: The world's most famous sled dog race is longer than ever. Here's a look at Iditarod ...
Mykola Sosiukin Getty Images/iStockphoto A new study from WalletHub ... That year, 28% of the state’s revenue came from ...
Alaska State Museum: Ree Nancarrow, “Sharing the World I Know,” 395 Whittier St., APK Building, 4:30-7 p.m. Solo exhibition featuring quilt works by Fairbanks art quilter Ree Nancarrow, who makes ...
A more significant tsunami resulted from an Aug. 7 landslide at Pederson Lagoon southwest of Seward ... and the tsunamis they cause. (Images prepared by Lauren Schafer/U.S. Geological Survey/Provided ...
A more significant tsunami resulted from an Aug. 7 landslide at Pederson Lagoon southwest of Seward ... (Images prepared by Lauren Schafer/U.S. Geological Survey/Provided by Michael West, Alaska ...
The funding will cover this year's operations of the Sikuliaq, an ice-capable ship used for research cruises around Alaska.
No state funds will be used to pay for the bond, a press release from Dunleavy’s office says. Instead, a 30-year agreement ...