Georgia is home to several spider species, and some are venomous. What do they look like? How dangerous are they? What to do ...
Unfortunately for NC arachnophobes, one of these species may prefer hiding in folded linens, closets and shoes.
Cellulitis is a skin infection that can occur when bacteria enter an open bug bite. Early treatment is crucial. Learn how to ...
Southern house spiders are nocturnal hunters, feeding on insects that wander into their webs. Bites are very rare and ... If the wound is itchy, an antihistamine might help. Examples are ...
When most people think of spiders, the word ‘friend’ may be one of the last ones to come to mind. However, if you were a ...
As the weather grows warmer, more spiders will begin to appear. Here are the 10 venomous spiders in Louisiana and typical reactions to poisonous bites.
The brown recluse and black widow are the most common venomous spiders in the U.S. and Alabama. What are their habitats and ...
Pests are more than just a nuisance. Many common pests found in the UK can pose serious health risks to humans. They can ...
Most spider bites cause local pain, redness and swelling. It's much like a bee sting reaction. A few spiders (such as the Black Widow) can cause a more severe reaction. Helpful if spider seen on the ...