Located in remote Pendleton County, Spruce Knob is only accessible by Monongahela National Forest Roads, which are not plowed ...
Spruce Knob is far from the only landmark in West Virginia that becomes nearly impassible during the winter. Officials often warn against travel on the Highland Scenic Highway (State Route 150) and ...
The Observatory is cool, but the Quiet Zone also encompasses some intriguing portions of the Monongahela National Forest, including 4,863-foot Spruce Knob, the tallest mountain in West Virginia.
He has been writing professionally for over a decade. I have played nearly 200 hours of The Forever Winter since its early access launch in September of last year. Seldom a week has passed ...
On Feb. 14, 13 Republican West Virginia delegates introduced House Concurrent Resolution 33. The bill would rename Spruce Knob to “Trump Mountain” five years after the death of President Donald Trump.
The North American leg also includes concerts at Pine Knob Music Theatre in Clarkston, Michigan; Budweiser Stage in Toronto, Ontario; Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island in Chicago ...
By Angie Han, Daniel Fienberg ANGIE HAN To say that an anxious, paranoid chill has gripped this winter would surely be an understatement. Heck, even Max’s reliably inspiring new medical drama ...
Learn more When temperatures drop close to or below freezing, you don't want to be caught without one of the best men's winter coats. Our top picks include coats from The North Face, Triple F.AT.