Paris has spoken and fashion's final authority has laid down the law: This fall it's all about power shoulders, enveloping outerwear and a color palette that runs the gamut from somber to surreal.
Over the years, Bandai has continued to evolve the Tamagotchi brand, releasing new versions with color screens, smartphone ...
Red, black and blue Color took a turn for the cinematic this ... The collection borrowed from cyberculture, with Tamagotchi-shaped bags, futuristic fabrics and anime-inspired styling.
Tamagotchi showed us several anime IP’s with ... carpet style which was just as iconic as his rhymes! Packed on a full-color blistered cardback, this articulated, 3.75” scale is inspired ...
Color took a turn for the cinematic this season ... The collection borrowed from cyberculture, with Tamagotchi-shaped bags, futuristic fabrics and anime-inspired styling. Louis Vuitton ...
Paris has spoken, and fashion’s final authority has laid down the law: This coming fall, it’s all about power shoulders, enveloping outerwear and a color palette that runs from somber to surre ...