Charly’s owners built a 3,000-square-foot house and detached barn where the horse could live his best life after a career in ...
Texas, where she would soon build a barn for Haven x Campise Farms, her rescue foundation that provides end-of-life care for senior and disabled horses, and a home for her and her eight-year-old son.
To register to vote or to find out your registration status, call the Lubbock County Elections Department at 806-775-1339, or ...
Violent crime is up. Street life is often lacking. Can a $3.7 billion convention center expansion transform the fortunes of the city’s central business district?
Roger Staubach quote about "unspectacular" preparation leading to spectacular achievements cited by Hunt Realty CEO to ...
She and her son live in a loft upstairs from stables that accommodate a herd of six aging and disabled horses.
The director of government affairs for the Modular Building Institute says the technology can create housing fast—if it can ...
The “Home of America’s Tank Division” now houses the Defense Department’s first 3D-printed barracks. Lt. Gen. David Wilson, ...
Texas's first female condemned killer received special permission to leave jail and be baptized at New Light Baptist Church ...
More than 60 homes and businesses could be demolished during the massive public transit expansion. As KUT worked to confirm the locations, many business owners and property managers learned about the ...
ON FOX13 AFTER THE GAME - Tornado Alley is shifting and its making a bullseye for the Mid-South. Stay tuned to FOX13 Sunday ...